Opening Hours | Tue - Fri, 11am - 6pm / Sat, 10am - 4pm | 53 Barnsbury Street, London, N1 1TP



With the world’s population expected to pass 10 billion, the demand for construction materials and consumer products is expected to surge putting enormous pressure on natural resources and habitats already in a state of stress.

With new construction expected to double the world's building stock by 2060, a coordinated action is required to dramatically change the way living environments are designed, built, used and deconstructed. Transitioning to low carbon materials offers significant opportunities for meeting the needs of a growing population and reducing the adverse impacts on the environment.

“WHY HEMP MATTERS“ exhibition by THE HOME OF SUSTAINABLE THINGS highlights the properties of this highly-sequestrating plant as an accessible alternative for the building and creative industries in their struggle to reduce carbon emissions through a display of unique, newly-developed products and composites capable of mass production that can help accelerate the growth of sustainable building methods.


The exhibition is part of Islington's Together Greener festival and takes place from the 19th – 31st October, Tue – Sun | 11am – 7pm, 53 Barnsbury Street, N1 1TP.

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