FOOD WASTE jewellery displays
Dear Friends,
Although the human scarcity on the streets of London is now fully detectable and the summer heat is well upon us, we still felt we should share another important update for those of you who are not quite yet checked out into a semi-deserved oblivion, amply accommodated by a moreish cocktail somewhere around this world.
While keeping check with the nation's favourite topic - the weather, the team at HOST, firm and committed [on most days] has bigger and harder eggs to crack. How do we live in a more sustainable way? Can we manufacture ethical alternatives without further depleting natural resources and cause more environmental harm? These are the objectives and the direction of our course, one that is as much about the individual as it is about our collective choices.
We are therefore delighted to announce another new and exclusive product range that takes us a step further on this journey. Developed in a collaboration with the Delhi based, material research and design studio YLEM, the range is made from a novel eggshell bioceramic material, using food waste and the first product to be unveiled as a result of this collaboration is the Cir(Ca) Jewellery Displays!
Named quite fittingly, Cir(Ca) is the very first body of work composed of calcareous food waste and a seaweed biobinder providing the ethical backdrop for your jewellery, suggesting uniqueness and style like no else. There are three, differently shaped and sized trays available and sold individually allowing you to choose and combine your most-liked version of the trays.
Global egg consumption peaks at about 1200 billion units/year and despite being a pure source of Calcium Carbonate eggshells are almost always treated and discarded as waste. YLEM addresses the potential of the material and has designed these objects explicitly with end-of-life in mind. In addition to being long-lasting, once their purpose is complete, Cir(Ca) products can be crushed and disposed off in the compost, adding protein and nourishment to the soil thus completing their cradle to cradle non-polluting cycle. ⠀⠀
Available in three different shapes & sizes!

waste and a seaweed biobinder providing the ethical backdrop for
your jewellery, suggesting uniqueness and style like no else.⠀⠀